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Ein neues modulares Retailsystem für eine Schuhgeschäftskette “Thomas Münz”. Das Ziel diese Projekts war, ein Design zu entwickeln, welches die neuen Trends reflektieren würde, ohne die Kundschaft im niedrigeren Preissegment abzuschrecken. Den Kundenwunsch, wohnliche Atmosphäre in die vorher “schrille” orangene CI-Welt einzubringen, haben wir mit natürlichen Materialien, leichten Formen und Wohnzimmermöbeln erfüllt. Das Retailsystem wurde in Russland hergestellt und bereits in mehreren FIlialen verwendet.
Architekturbüro Reich&Wamser
Entwurf: Stanley Reich, Anastasia Potapova
Darstellung: Anastasia Potapova
Ausführungsplanung, bauliche Betreuung: Anastasia Potapova
Tools: Photoshop, Freihandzeichnung
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Design of places and communication is my way to contribute to the world transformation. With my vision for a new economy and sustainable coexistence, I help brands to represent their identity in spaces that are tangible for people
Space design allows you to communicate your brand identity in the most natural dimension of the human being. In real spaces, we have the opportunity to perceive the characteristics of a brand identity on all sensory levels. Does that sound right to you? If so, dive in here.
My project portfolio contains many examples of design for spatial communication, all of which have one thing in common: a unique concept and a consistent visitor journey. Each project serves a goal of communicating contemporary values and identity through spatial design.
Each project tells a story, but speaks an individual language. There is a part of me and a piece of my love in every project. Dive into my portfolio here and stay up to date!
In the concept phase, it is always important to visualize ideas quickly, emotionally and with plenty of scope for imagination. Hand sketches make it possible to depict what may be lost through verbal communication.
Lively and dynamic visuals stay in the mind and directly convey the mood before the project goes into a detailed developement phase. Here are some visuals from the concept phases of my projects.