The year 2025 started with a new impulse for me and got me straight back into the flow. I was given the opportunity to stage a Guerrilla-exhibition for the third machwerkschau as part of the PASSAGEN Cologne Design Week. As I had previously only been able to experience PASSAGEN as a visitor, I said “yes” straight away – and neither the short preparation time nor the shutdown at Gewerke over the holidays could put me off 😎.
The recently opened machwerkhaus – Center for Design and Urban Production in Kalk will soon be home to cowerkplatz: a new coworking space for the design community and anyone interested. I was allowed to use the newly handed over premises for the exhibition. Originally a production hall for agricultural machinery, the space has now been given a new dedication for this teaser exhibition. From “Transforming Work” to a spatial translation of various functional areas in the modern workspace to open spaces for discourse – the exhibition invited visitors to take part in the development of this place.
Overall, I have the feeling that the deliberately raw and improvised effect of the exhibition was well received. People got into conversation – with me, with each other. The topic of “work” moved people, regardless of whether they were experts or interested people without a design background. I was particularly pleased to introduce visitors to my specialist subject, even though they may not have been expecting it specifically. It was good to see that my contribution had an impact 🙏. Many people left their thoughts and insights – I am very grateful for that. We are taking this input on board in order to better understand the needs of the community.
Designers and artists from the network presented innovative solutions and approaches that not only increase local production and circularity, but also address current issues such as the shortage of skilled workers. I found the talk between Stefan Diez and machwerkhaus founder Frank Zumbruch particularly inspiring – Stefan showed how design can meet the new requirements of the current generations and function in a contemporary way. It was super enriching and I took a lot away from it myself.
Setting up and organizing felt a bit like studying at university again: with cutter and tape in hand, an architectural model on the table and dry, slightly harmed hand skin. The car was fully loaded – only this time we also had to drop the little one off at the daycare 😄. My best friend came all the way from Berlin to help and said: “This feels like our graduation show all over again!” It really did feel a bit like when I was 21, only a lot of things were less important back then.
Now the machwerkschau is over, we are letting this success sink in. With new energy and fresh insights, we will create a meeting place in the machwerkhaus that inspires, stimulates creativity and enables innovative solutions – on the way to a sustainable economy and caring cooperation. I am proud to be part of this community.
Stay up to date, follow machwerkhaus and me - and maybe I'll see you soon when you visit Cologne-Kalk. 😎