Everyone is at the OMR and so successful on LinkedIn! And for me, this post just took 4 weeks. All at the snail's pace of natural processes 😌. Now is the right time to share.
A few weeks ago I became a mom, and you know what? My baby is just like your AI: identify hunger, communicate hunger, take breast, suck, recognize fullness. Be happy 😊. It's amazing what we adults (I often say "we humans" instead 👽😄) can already do and take for granted.
As a mom, it feels like "me 2.0": as if I've slipped through a small hole to another level. The balanced parameters of a normal adult life meet absolute chaos. And everything starts all over again: all the fears, all the learnings, all the achievements. Only now it's not me who's the little kid, it's the other one. Like kind of a meta-life. From the beginning. Super exciting. Also the amplitude between deepest philosophical insights and most primitive doings like changing diapers. Or just being. A deep dive to myself.
Yesterday I watched Luisa Neubauer's speech at the OMR. When I hold my baby in my arms, climate protection is also very concrete: for him, for his future. This little needy being whose life we define with our choices. My consumption, my comfort zone now has a concrete price for me: my son's future. I see this in his face and it pricks my conscience.
As a mom and a freelance designer, I feel pretty pressured. It took me 4 weeks to write this post because I wasn't sure how to position myself now. How will the community take it that I'm not present at all anymore? Way too little on the job? "Has she gone?" Should I have posted everything from the beginning, even during the course of my pregnancy? Is it too late now? 🤯 What will my freelance carreer look like after this? Can our vision for the new work culture and sustainable economy accommodate me as a new mom, or is it all an illusion? After all, should I have taken care of getting orders during maternity leave?
But my gut says I'm a mom now. My little son needs me 100% and I'm staying at his pace. These are just the simple truths that are inside me, the right decisions. Thank you instincts, thank you hormones. I deal with the issues of parenthood, with bumblebees up my butt, just as I am. Needs-based guidance, non-violent communication, free unbent children for the sustainable future. That's me, by the way, this relaxed avocado 😊🥑.
Soon I'll start creating and planning spaces again. The new me, with more empathy, mastering chaos, more self-aware, more stress resistant. With a young son in the sling who will look to me and learn. Will go his own way. My goodness, he's so small. His little feet ♥️.
Now I'm his mom. Now there's both of us. And everything will be fine.